Monday, October 24, 2011

Introduction I.2: The Invention of Heavy Lean

Manufacturers have an advantage in process innovation because their processes are material intensive and therefore largely visible.  They get to see their process every day.  They see what works and what doesn’t.  As a result they take action to improve what they see.

Mass production replaced the craftsman era of manufacturing in the early 1900’s.  Craftsman that worked on a product from beginning to end were replaced by specialists in an assembly line, each using standardized parts to create some portion of the final product.  Mass production techniques “catapulted Ford to the head of the world’s motor industry and virtually eliminated craft-production companies unable to match its manufacturing economies.[i]

The principles and practices of mass production were soon adapted to business processes.  The flow of paper in the office was not much different than the flow of material on the assembly line.  Mass production gave us the serial business process; each step of the process standardized and performed by specialists.

Beginning in 1950 Taiichi Ohno helped to develop the Toyota Production System for their heavy manufacturing operations.  The term Lean was coined by International Motor Vehicle Program researcher John Krafcik to describe the Toyota Production System “because it uses less of everything compared with mass production – half the human effort in the factory, half the manufacturing space, half the investment in tools, half the engineering hours to develop a new product in half the time.[ii] 

Lean has now replaced mass production as the primary method for innovating manufacturing processes. Its rise has been rapid.  Heavy manufacturers outside of Toyota first began to adopt Lean in the 1990s, with other non-heavy industry sectors beginning to adopt Lean in the 2000s.

Lean is referred to in this book as Heavy Lean.  This distinction is made because Heavy Lean was originally developed to support heavy manufacturing; with its heavy machines and heavy parts.  The practices of Heavy Lean were developed with all of this heaviness in mind.

[i]   James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones and Daniel Roos, The Machine that Changed the World, HaperCollins  (1991) pg.30
[ii]  James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones and Daniel Roos, The Machine that Changed the World, HaperCollins  (1991) pg.13

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Chapter 1 Summary

  • The advent of computers broke the constraints associated with paper-based processes, but by so doing also broke the control structures and visual cues used to manage information processes.
  • Process is a flow of activities that when executed consume resources for the purpose of creating value.
  • The purpose of process is to create customer value, not to control the resources of an organization. Different levels of process control may be required depending on the value being created.
  • The cost/benefit of an information process can be determined by analyzing the incremental value created by each activity as well as the incremental cost to produce that value.  Summing the total value and cost of all of the activities of a process establishes its cost/benefit.
  • The process cookbook model provides recipes for completing individual activities but is not sufficient to govern the interactions between multiple chefs creating multiple dishes from multiple recipes for multiple patrons.
  • It is possible to tell the approximate age of an organization by looking at its process rings-on-a-tree since processes are continually added but rarely taken away.
  • The bottleneck principle:  People downstream of a bottleneck are given more work to stay busy until they too become a bottleneck.  This principle applies until all process activities are bottlenecked.
  • Fit is a process strategy for maximizing the value created from available resources.  Function is a process strategy for minimizing the cost of the individual activities of each process. 
  • Together Fit and Function address the issues of the process cookbook, process rings‑on-a-tree, and process spaghetti to increase an organization’s competitive advantage.
  • Glean implements the strategies of Fit and Function to glean the maximum customer value from the available resources of information processes.

Chapter 1.9: Process Strategy

Operational Excellence is a philosophy for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of process Function.  Michael Treacy & Fred Wiersema in the Discipline of Market Leaders describe operational excellence as an unrelenting focus on driving down costs.[i]  They refer to both the tangible and intangible costs of:
·         Operating cost

·         Total ownership cost

·         Inconvenience cost 

Where inconvenience cost includes the intangible costs stemming from annoyance and irritation. 

But as Michal Porter points out, operational excellence is necessary but not sufficient to maximize the value of process.[ii]  To glean the maximum value from an organization’s resources requires more than operational excellence.  It also requires that the processes of an organization fit in value alignment with each other.  A process without Fit can be highly efficient and effective at creating redundancies and wasted effort.  It could result in an organization going really fast in the wrong direction. 

Value Optimization is a philosophy for increasing process Fit.  Value Optimization is an unrelenting focus on increasing value.  Operational excellence takes a transactional view for reducing costs.  Value Optimization takes a system view for increasing value.  Together they help organizations achieve one or more of the following:
·         Produce a fixed customer value at a reduced cost

·         Increase the customer value produced at a fixed cost 

·         Raise competitive differentiation 

Applied together, the philosophies of Operational Excellence with its focus on Function and Value Optimization with its focus on Fit create highly efficient and effective processes.  Figure 1.11 is a drawing by the artist M. C. Escher called “Day and Night.”  Function is represented by the efficient flight of the geese.  Fit is represented their ability to fly both day and night; and by the smooth passing of two flocks of geese, without a single ruffled feather.  Together the combined strategy of Fit and Function enables the geese to complete their migrations efficiently and effectively.
Figure 1.11:  Combining Fit and Function

Flying is a function geese perform well.  But if they could not fit into a pattern of flying day and night it would take them much longer to reach their annual destination. 

Southwest Airlines is used as a case study for combining the strategies of process Fit and Function.  In “The Discipline of Market Leaders” Treacy & Wiersema refer to Southwest Airlines as a leader in operational excellence.  They discuss how airplane standardization reduces the variety associated with maintenance and other functions; where variety is the destroyer of efficiency.  In “What is Strategy” Porter notes, airplane standardization also creates an effective fit with the process of gate turnarounds. By executing faster gate turnarounds than its competitors, Southwest benefits from more frequent departures and the greater use of its equipment.
 The process strategies of Fit and Function address the issues of the process cookbook, process rings-on-a-tree, and process spaghetti to increase an organization’s competitive advantage.  Function, with its focus on cost reduction, is by itself not enough to fill the gaps in the process cookbook model, eliminate the formation of layer after layer of process, or stop process bottlenecks from forming.  Together process Fit and Function apply a system-view to maximize process value while minimizing cost.
Figure 1.12 is a matrix of strategies for maximizing process value.  The left side of the chart lists the two process components: process execution and process flow.  The top of the chart lists the two process strategies: Fit and Function.  Each quadrant of the chart describes the approach for achieving the Fit and Function of process flow and execution. 
Figure1.12: Process Strategy Matrix

Focusing on only one process strategy, such as applying operational excellence to just quadrant #4, leaves on the table opportunities to maximize value and minimize cost.

Each quadrant of the process strategy matrix includes a strategy for maximizing process value and minimizing cost.  Each strategy can be used independently or in combination with the one or more of the other three.  However not applying all four strategies of the process strategy matrix at the same time reduces opportunities to maximize value, lower cost, and therefore increase competitiveness. 

Glean implements the strategies of Fit and Function to glean the maximum customer value from the available resources of information processes.  Later chapters will discuss the principles behind these strategies and practices for their implementation. 

[i]     Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema, The Discipline of Market Leaders, Addison-Wesley (1995)
[ii]    Michael J. Porter, What is Strategy?, Harvard Business Review, November-December  (1996)

Chapter 1.8: Process as a Competitive Advantage

Eiji Toyoda did not begin to develop what became to be known as the Toyota Production System (or Lean as it is called the USA) as part of a process improvement program.  He did so to help Toyota become more competitive.  In 1950 Toyota was “determined to go into full-scale car and commercial truck manufacturing, but it faced a host of problems.”[i]
·         The domestic market was tiny and demanded a wide range of vehicles – luxury cars for government officials, large trucks to carry goods to market, small trucks for Japan’s small farmers, and small cars suitable for Japan’s crowded cities and high energy prices  

·         The native Japanese work force was no longer willing to be treated as a variable cost or as interchangeable parts

·         The war-ravaged Japanese economy was starved for capital and foreign exchange.

·         The outside world was full of huge motor-vehicle producers who were anxious to establish operations in Japan and ready to defend their established markets against Japanese exports

In the thirteen years prior to 1950 Toyota had produced a total of 2,685 automobiles.  When compared to the 7,000 automobiles produced per day produced by a single Ford plant in 1950 it was apparent that Toyota would not be able to compete with Detroit’s ability to mass produce a wide range of vehicles using the same practices. 

Eiji Toyoda engaged the Toyota workforce in a continuous incremental improvement process that indeed changed the world.  In 2008, for the first time in 78 years, Toyota sold more cars and trucks around the world than GM; the former number one automobile manufacturer.[ii]  Toyota achieved its objective of becoming more competitive. 

Michael Porter describes companies as “a system of activities in which competitive advantage reside.”[iii]  These activity systems are not merely a discrete collection of independent activities that can be optimized to perform a particular “function.”  They must “fit” together as part of an integrated system to create a sustainable competitive advantage.
Such systems, by their very nature, are usually difficult to untangle from outside the company and therefore hard to imitate. And even if rivals can identify the relevant interconnections, they will have difficulty replicating them. Achieving fit is difficult because it requires the integration of decisions and actions across many independent subunits. 

Fit is a process strategy for maximizing the value created from available resources.  Not only must activities be designed to maximize the value created by their parent process, they must also be designed to help maximize the value of as many other processes as possible.  Fit looks for relationships between otherwise seemingly unrelated process activities that if strengthened would result in greater value produced by the activities as a whole.  The strategy of Fit is for each process to fit-like-a-glove with the other processes of an organization. 

Fit is the companion strategy to Function.  Function is a process strategy for minimizing the cost of the individual activities of each process.  Whereas Fit focuses on process value alignment, Function’s focus is on cost reduction.  Fit and Function are the Yin and Yang of process strategy.  At least one, preferably both, are necessary to achieve a competitive advantage. 

As Porter describes, for a company to compete:
It must deliver greater value to customers or create comparable value at a lower cost, or do both. The arithmetic of superior profitability then follows: delivering greater value allows a company to charge higher average unit prices; greater efficiency results in lower average unit costs. 

Toyota achieved a sustainable competitive advantage by delivering greater value at lower costs than GM and the rest of the automobile industry. They achieved process Fit and Function by continuously looking for ways to reduce the cost of each activity; as well as how each activity could increase the value of other process activities; including those of suppliers and customers. 


[i]   James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones and Daniel Roos, The Machine that Changed the World, HaperCollins  (1991)
[ii]   Inside, Toyota Knocks GM from No. 1, The Associated Press (2009)
[iii]  Michael J. Porter, What is Strategy?, Harvard Business Review, November-December  (1996)

Chapter 1.7: Process Spaghetti

With paper reduced, people are the most visible component of any process.  Not only are they easy to spot, but in many information intensive organizations they are the most expensive resource.  When it comes to improving processes, this makes people, and the work they do, targets for scrutiny.  One of the unwritten laws associated with any expensive resource is that it must be busy all of the time. 

Suppose somebody in an organization is not busy.  What happens?  They are given more work to do.  They may be given work that is part of their current process, or it may be work from another unrelated process.  What probably wouldn’t happen is an analysis of why their current activities did not keep them busy.   

Because of their roots in paper, the activities of most information processes are performed in a serial order.  Each activity is executed one-at-a –time and the next not started until the prior is completed.  Since paper was expensive to copy, parallel processes were rarely used.  Because of the process rings-of-a-tree phenomenon, the serial process flow model is still prevalent even after paper is eliminated. 

A natural characteristic of any serial process is that it creates bottlenecks.  An example of this is a highway.  Where one section of a highway can be smooth sailing, the next section can be stop-and-go, followed by a section where traffic is again flowing freely. 

A bottleneck in a serial process slows the amount of work getting through just like a bottleneck in a highway.  If work starts to pile up behind a bottleneck, the people downstream of the bottleneck will soon run out of things to do.  Then what happens?  They are given more work to do. 

Another characteristic of a serial process is that bottlenecks can independently move up and down a process.  Watch the bottlenecks of a highway and you’ll notice that some bottlenecks always occur at the same location while other bottlenecks appear to move randomly up and down the highway. 

The same occurs for serial information processes.  One day a bottleneck could be located at one activity in a process; and the next day at another.  Bottleneck locations change as the mix of work and the available resources change.  If a bottleneck moves, people with plenty of work to do, may suddenly not have enough.  Then what happens?  They are given more work to do.  

As bottlenecks shift from one location to the next, the cycle of handing out more work to keep people busy continues.  If a bottleneck is temporarily removed so that someone downstream now becomes too busy, nothing is usually done other than to ask them to work harder.  But the bottleneck moves again so that the same person now has too little to do, they are given more work. 

Finally, the ongoing effort to make sure everyone is busy results in a status quo where everyone always has too much to do.  This status quo is called process spaghetti. 

Figure 1.10 is a depiction of the bottleneck principle of process spaghetti.  Process A, B, and C are each serial processes.  Each box indicates one or more activities executed by one or more people.  The first activity of each process is numbered A-1, B-1, C-1; the second A-2, B-2, C-2, etc.  Note that the same people are responsible for executing the activities of A-2, B-2, and C‑2.  In this example these people originally only had activity B-2 to perform.  But over time they were given the work of A-2 and C-2 to keep them busy.
Figure 1.10:  Process Spaghetti and the Bottleneck Principle
People downstream of a bottleneck are given more work to stay busy until they too become a bottleneck.  This principle applies until all process activities are bottlenecked. 

As process spaghetti begins to develop it causes even more spaghetti.  Suppose the people responsible for activities A-4 and B-3 were only recently given activity A-4 because of a bottleneck at activity B-2.  Since it’s a new activity for them they want to make sure it’s done well, so they decide to do all of the A-4 work before any B-3 work.   

Now under this scenario, the people responsible for activity B-4 no longer has enough to do, because B-3 is now bottlenecked.  Then what happens?  They are given more work to do. 

Process spaghetti once formed is very difficult to unravel.  Suppose there was an effort to remove the bottlenecks from Process B in Figure 1.10.  If the people responsible for activities A-2, B-2, and C-2 were told to prioritize B-2 work over everything else, then a logjam of work would suddenly flow to B-3.  The size of the bottleneck for the people responsible for A-4 and B-3 would increase.  In addition, work flowing to A-3 and C-3 would be reduced further; bottlenecking those processes.  The net result of removing the B-2 bottleneck could be a reduction in the value created by all three processes. 

A lot of progress can be made removing bottlenecks before anyone notices a change in created value.  It can take months to clear a single process of its bottlenecks without impacting too negatively otherwise seemingly unrelated processes.   

The time and cost it takes to unwind process spaghetti is not the only issue.  It can also be difficult to sustain management commitment.  Bottleneck removal projects can quickly run out of steam when management runs out of patience waiting for a positive result from a Process B; while hearing about all the problems cropping up with Processes A and C.

Chapter 1.6: Process Rings-on-a-Tree

As shown in Figure 1.9 a core sample of an organization’s processes can be used to count the layers of process artifacts that are layered one on the other each year.
Figure 1.9:  Process rings-on-a-tree
Just like a core sample taken from a tree, it is possible to estimate the age of an organization by counting the layers upon layers of process that naturally build up over time.

5 years:  Process standardization
·         First cookbooks are developed for internal processes
·         Activities are tailored to the skills and personality of the individuals performing the roles
·         Priorities are set by a common system-wide understanding of the created value
·         Process training is the responsibility of first level management
·         Low variation in how different individuals perform a common process
·         IT systems and processes are aligned
10 years:  Process solidification
·         Reports are generated that no one reads
·         Process cookbooks are less than 60% accurate
·         Process training is the responsibility of employee mentors
·         No one has an end-to-end system view of how the process works
·         Processes include workarounds due to the inflexibility of IT systems to change as the processes change
·         Individuals inherit their assigned activities as other people leave
·         Priorities are set by expediting across functional groups
20 years:  Process senescence
·         All of the 10 year attributes plus
·         Process cookbooks are no longer valid
·         The only way to learn a job is from someone who has done it
·         No one can explain why certain process activities exist – we have always done it that way
·         The number of just-in-case process artifacts outnumber the do-it-right-the-first-time process artifacts
·         Processes rely on IT systems that duplicate and overlap with each other
·         More operational information is maintained in spreadsheets than in IT systems
·         Process activities are owned by functional groups rather than the individuals within the group
·         Priorities are set based on the objectives of individual functional groups
30 years:  Process fossilization
·         All of the 20 year attributes plus
·         Processes exist just to fix other processes that are broken but considered un-repairable
·         There are entire processes that produce results of no value
·         Processes rely on IT systems that are no longer supported by their vendors
·         Functional groups are silos
·         Individuals set their own priorities
·         There is so much process variation that it is no longer possible to establish a single definition of the value created by the process  

These process rings-on-a-tree exist for the same reason they exist in trees.  New processes are added all of the time.  There is no such thing as a process status quo.  Processes are in a constant state of change because:
·         Customers – change what they value
·         Markets – grow and shrink
·         Organizations – grow and shrink
·         Products and services – added and removed
·         Management –  adopt new strategies and objectives
·         Employees – join and leave
·         Individuals – gain skills and capabilities
·         Information Systems – new technologies 

Each of these factors leads to process change.  While new processes are added old processes are almost never removed.  Since information processes are largely invisible unless the process documentation is kept up to date, with time no one knows which process activities are candidates for removal.   It is very difficult to tell if:
·         Someone still uses the process
·         Another process or system is dependent on the process
·         Certain activities belong to this process or to another
·         It is worth the cost of removing 

Therefore removing process is a sure way to break something else.  In fact this is usually the only way to remove process activities.  Turn it off and wait for someone to scream. 

Even if a process is relatively new there is rarely the opportunity to revert back to some prior state.  Even in a short period of time other process changes could have been layered on top of the original change so the old status quo no longer exists.   

In fact removing a portion of a process usually requires a new layer of patches to fix the broken dependencies between the activities that remain.  It can be difficult to remove an obsolete activity, if any part of its output is now used somewhere else.  

As a result most organizations have too much process, not too little.  There are processes for just-in-case processes to fix processes to link to processes to add processes to remove processes.  With time layer upon layer of these processes build up like rings-on-a-tree.

Chapter 1.5: The Process Cookbook Model

A cookbook contains many recipes for preparing many types of cuisine.  Each recipe is a procedure for completing the preparation of a single dish.  A recipe in a cookbook describes the ingredients to be consumed, the flow of their preparation, instructions for each step, and a picture or description of the value to be created.
The cookbook applies to information processes as well.  A process cookbook provides the detailed procedural instructions to complete a flow of activities of a single process.  A procedure in a process cookbook also defines the resources to be consumed, the flow of activities, instructions for their execution, and a picture or description of the value to be created.
Some chefs prefer not to use a cookbook.  This can be a good thing.  Just as a music jamming session can be a good alternative to playing sheet music.  An organization is left to decide which processes that creativity should be encouraged and where additional process structure is appropriate.
However, the process cookbook model breaks down when it comes to the preparation of a meal with several dishes.  Each recipe in a cookbook makes the assumption that the chef has nothing else to do other than prepare that one recipe.  If something needs to simmer for exactly 5 minutes, the recipe assumes that the chef will be available to end that activity at exactly the right time.
Nothing in a cookbook guides a chef on how to prepare several dishes at the same time.  As shown in Figure 1.8, a cookbook does not a meal make.  Why?  Because a cookbook cannot predict which recipes the chef wants for tonight’s meal.  The specific instructions covering the prioritization and scheduling of each recipe’s activities would change based on which other recipes are selected.  Therefore each recipe has no choice but to assume it has the chef’s full attention, and if that is not the case, leave it up to the chef to figure out how to successfully complete the entire meal.

Figure 1.8:  A cookbook does not a meal make

A cookbook helps to train on a standard approach to fix one recipe.  It does nothing to help optimize the flow of activities necessary to prepare a multi-course meal.

This burden is complex enough when there is just one chef cooking a multi-dish meal.  Imagine of a gourmet restaurant staffed by 10 chefs.  Each chef could be assigned to prepare a portion of one dish, with multiple dishes required to create a seven course meal. 
At any point in time, the chefs could be preparing one of the seven courses for each of the 40 patrons in the restaurant; each at a different course in their meal.  All of this with patrons coming and going throughout the night - and of course none of them wants their food late or ill-prepared. 
If you were one of the chefs in this restaurant, how could you decide, at any moment, what was the next most important thing to do?  Where is the cookbook that covers the gourmet restaurant scenario?
This burden is complex enough when there is just one chef cooking a single meal.  Imagine of a gourmet restaurant staffed by 10 chefs.  Each chef is assigned to help prepare a portion of one dish for single 7 course meal.  At any one time the chefs could be preparing one of the dishes for any of the 40 patrons in the restaurant.  The patrons could have chosen their seven courses from 50 different recipes; with each patron at a different course in their meal; and none wanting their food late or ill-prepared. 
If you were one of the chefs in this restaurant, how would you decide, at any moment, what was the next most important thing to do?  Is it possible to develop a cookbook that covers the scenario of the gourmet restaurant?
Cookbooks do provide value.  Having a cookbook for standard recipes helps to remove variation from how different chefs prepare a recipe.  It makes it easier to train new chefs.  It can even help to document where artistic variation is allowed and where a recipe should be followed every time.
However a cookbook is not enough to define all of the processes needed by a gourmet restaurant.  No matter the excellence of each individual recipe, without coordinating the preparation of multiple recipes by multiple chefs for multiple patrons, the restaurant could still fail to deliver the desired value to its customers. 
What is required is a system-wide view for managing: 

·         Process Execution – How the consumed resources and created value of each activity is tuned to maximize overall value created based on the current mix of in-work and planned activities 

·         Process Flow – How the scheduling and prioritization of in-work and planned activities are tuned to maximize overall value created based on the available resources
Each entry in a process cookbook describes the flow and execution of activities of a single process.  There are processes that benefit from this level of documentation.   What a process cookbook is unable to do is optimize the activities of multiple processes so that when executed together they maximize the value created from available resources.